Saturday, June 13, 2009

10 Days at the Helm of Indian Football

“2009 is the year which will witness the worst Economic crisis; Job Cuts everywhere, Recession........” – These are the phrases and words that have marked the year till now. But 2009 is the year which apprises a new dawn for me. As my good friend Manjith terms it – it is the year when I started realizing my dream; A Dream to hear the Indian National Anthem being played at the Football World Cup and cry my heart out when a billion countrymen hum the same anthem in front of the whole world.

The biggest blunder – that is what everybody said when I took this defining step but I stand and say aloud that I have done something which very few dare to do. I am not among the people who sit back on a couch with a beer mug and say that Indian Football has no future – get onto the field and play the game my friend; the game to create a future for Indian Football.

It was in the month of March that I realized that the time was ripe to take the call and jump into the System with a golden opportunity knocking at my door. And yes, I grabbed it with both my hands. It has been 10 days at the Helm of Indian Football – The AIFF Football House.

You need to be passionate about a certain thing and if your job is what your passion is all about, mind it – nobody can stop you from achieving what you have set out to achieve. This is the motto which I have learnt from my Father. Indian Football can’t change and will never change if the Fans of the game don’t contribute towards developing the game.

10 Days – but it feels like months here. Websites, procedures, meetings with corporate houses – I have experienced them all in the last few days. And then I realise that it’s all there – everything is there for Indian Football to take off!!! I watch games at what we call the “Library” – which holds the FIFA, AFC journals, match videos, etc. It gives me goose bumps – sitting inside the federation house and taking decisions which will possibly realize the dream I have dreamt.

To tell you the fact, things are not as gloomy as projected by the media. Yes, there are a few hiccups, but let’s take it in a positive way – without them there wouldn’t have been any scope for improvement. On the hindsight, there are so many things which are there but alas not projected to the Fans of the game. A few important decisions have been taken in the last few days like the Team travelling to Dubai and FC Barcelona to train for the Nehru Cup, adopting the AFC 3+1 Foreigner rule, laying 8 artificial turfs across the country, etc. I would call this the trailer of a big movie and come August, we may see the start of a revolution in Indian Football.

I end it by quoting Mr. Colaco, “Indian Football not only needs infrastructure, money, corporate partnerships but it needs professional human resources. It needs a little bit of everything”; it would be the gr8est day in Indian Football when the Fans of the game rise up and do something for the same game they love the most in their own country.


Anup said...

Nice post! So what exactly are you doing to effect this change ? You need to become the 'Lalit Modi' of Indian football to really take the game forward.

The Paradox said...

Give us a deeper insight as to why we do not make it big ?
Also how about an article about club football in the sub continent and how it can be improved.
- Arun

Arun said...

How about a deeper insight into what is actually required to improve both the Inidan National football team and the club scenario in the subcontinent ?

Tathagata said...


Thanks mate!! Well, I think it would be really wrong to reveal all the plans on an open forum, but yes I can tell you that soon we will be creating a Mass Movement through Media about our plans.

As of now, I am presently working to re-launch the official website of the Federation soon to make it one stop shop for Indian Football.

:-) about being Lalit Modi...I would never ever aspire to be like him coz. he is nothing but commercial whereas I would like to work on building stuff for the Game.

Tathagata said...

@Arun N, Arun G

Well, I will be writing soon on the problems we have faced as to why we could not make it big along with a way forward, but all I can presently say right now is that things were in place but execution wasn't there.

About Club Football, its just lack of professionalism and initiatives. But I will come up with a Post soon on this too.

Manjit Nath said...

Any plan to to target rural areas, where football is much respected as compared to cricket or other sports

Abhishek Sharma said...

Well Said Tatha, It is the need of the hour & we must take it to next level. I never knew you are so active for this great task.

I too wrote some blogs for my favorite sport/game [FOOTBALL].
Will soon publish them...

Really liked your enthusiasm for the game.

Share in case any support is needed. Always available...

Cheers !!!

Amit said...

nice blog dude... good to see u following ur passion... good luck for everything

Unknown said...

good one

Sukhvinder Singh said...





Tathagata said...


Well, we have the Vision Asia and FIFA Goal Programs going on in different parts of the country like Sikkim, Manipur especially the NE and most of the players come from the rural areas.... anything specific you had in mind???

Tathagata said...


Please publish them and write more....we need to awaken people....

Yes, now since I am near to GGN, I will definitely keep your name in mind.

Tathagata said...


Thanks mate....We are working hard to take Indian Football to Indians! :-)

Tathagata said...


:-) :-)

we will do it!!! :-) :-)

sreejita said...

nice post...liked it

Priya said...

great to se you follow ur passion....thumbs up to you!!

Bha$kar said...

good to see this mann!!
really felt happy reading this,infact very bad thinking that i am doing nothing sitting in a sw company and earning a few bucks....
really felt inspired by u and monjit!

Tathagata said...


Thanks a lot!! Will try to come up with more posts.


Thanks a lot Once again!! Must have pestered you with all the Football gyan in Amdocs?? ;-)


Common Mate...its never too can still do a lot of stuff....but yeah, people need to be awakened.

Abhik said...

Hi Tathagata,
Nice to read your blog and see that you are moving forward with your passion. Am not a die hard fan of Indian soccer but would nevertheless love to see the Indian team on the biggest stage international sports can offer. A couple of points which came across from the top of my head, which may or may not be useful for you:
1. Having seen the North East from close quarters, I have always felt that they house some of the best talents which has only partially been realized. I remember hearing about an initiative by the Sikkim govt. to discover '100 Bhaichungs' long time back. Never really heard about it after that. How such initiatives get scuttled may give some pointers to some of the problems.
2. I don't know what your plans are but focusing excessively on the Media may not be the solution. Advertising and popularity can only do so much. I feel efforts are really required at the grassroots.
3. Seeing that you don't regard Lalit Modi highly indicates to me that you got your thoughts in the right direction. :-)
Good Luck!

Tathagata said...


Thanks for the Comments :-)

Well for the marketing aspect, definitely agree that its not the only solution but one of the solutions.....its of course required so that we can generate interest among corporates and most importantly among the Fans and Indian people so that we can bring Fans of the Game like you [:)] to watch Indian Football rather than European Football.

Moreover, about the North East, The Vision India Program was started in Manipur and its already paying results. 30% of the Indian Football Team comes from the North East. Vision India - Manipur has been stated as the most successful projects among all Vision Asia projects by the AFC(Asian Football Confederation). Meghalaya this time has produced an I-league time in Shillong Lajong FC and the I-league will first time travel to the North East. This years I-league will have 182 matches....its going to be huge. About Sikkim, the problem is the FA in Sikkim. Mr. Tempo Bhutia the Hon. Sec of the SFA doesn't attend Exco meetings of the AIFF; so we cant help football grow in a state where the FA itself is least bothered. But, yes the blame game will not solve the problem....nevertheless, Sikkim has been recognised by AIFF for the Win in India with India project by FIFA and it will be getting an Artificial Turf soon. Its a long story about NE - I will post about its Football too.

Lalit Modi - no comments... :-) :-)